Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day Late

Alright everyone. So. Did you know that blog spelled backwards is NOT glob? My dad tried to tell me that it was. It's 'golb'. Anyways, the barnacle hand is on it's way to firing and I'm almost done with another hand. I was going to do a hand that was all disassembled and connected with wire, and I still might, but as I was making the thumb it rolled out of my hand and onto the floor! However, it landed perfectly in such a way on it's side that it kind of looked like a fossil of a thumb sticking out of the ground....or something. So I made some fingers to go along with it and now it looks like a hand reaching out through the table (or, when I get it finished, the wall). I was thinking that for my next project I would do something along the lines of my very first hand project, with the fingers reaching out of the ball, except do it with a thrown vase. I think it'd be interesting to create an illusion of a hand stuck in a vase but when you looked inside there was no real hand. The idea is still in the making.

In other news, I went to the OCAC free class thing for gold key winners. I did the woodworking/instruments class, and it was GREAT! I thoroughly enjoyed it. I told a few of you that I went and a few of you said that you were planning on going. Two things about this: you should have, it was a day well spent. However, I'm really glad you didn't, because seeing as how I was one of two kids in the class, I got to make a far more complex instrument than I would have if there would have been more people. I pretty much got to make whatever I wanted, which turned out to be this funky guitar type thing. It's got a super weird design to it, but it is functional. I had a great time, learned some cool things, and got a project out of it.

1 comment:

  1. You still haven't brought your guitar into class like you said you would. At least put a picture of it up on here.
