Alrighty. I've been working my butt off this last week trying to get as much done as humanly possible. One of my projects finally broke!!!! I wasn't all too broken up about it (pun?) because I was waiting for it to happen. Some of these projects have been.....delicate. Anyhow, so it was a project that was in three pieces, and only one piece broke, so I decided to take a day and replace it. It turned out well and is in the kiln. Then on top of that, I started and am now almost done with yet another project! It's this hand coming out of clay, I think it's turning out well ( sounds lame..). It needs a counterpart-hand, so bright and early tomorrow morning (9...9:30ish) you can find me in the ceramics room working on that. I will be in the ceramics room allllll day tomorrow trying to get as much done before the week is over. I hope to complete the hand(s) coming out of clay, do another project, and start another project besides that. Then I'll do a hand over the weekend at my house, and then next week I'll be all lined up to finish my portfolio with the completion of another hand and a half. Then firings. Then pictures. Then showcase. Ahhh, April stress....lovin it. For all you people who are as stressed out as I am, these pictures should help.

Also, first person to buy me a hedgehog wins my eternal love.

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